Electrical Scooters for people with disabilities

From Cross the Hurdles



There are electrical carriers for the disabled . It resembles a mobility device and carries all the functions of a motorized moped. It is really one of the best inventions ever made.

Commonly called as "electric or power-operated scooters", it gets easier to use once you get accustomed to it.

Structure of the scooter

There are a variety of designs, and depending on each it can have 5, 4 or 3 wheels. They work on battery, and are recharged using 12 v charger. A padded bench is placed on the top of the tyres. There are handlebars in front, which can be adjusted so that there is no obstruction to the view.

Models of disability scooters

Keeping the latest laws in my mind , the fuel operated scooters are gradually being replaced by electric scooters. A directing column called as a "tiller", is located right in the middle of the scooter. It helps in the functions of reverse and forward. Theses scooters can again be divided in two types .

(1) Rear-Wheel Generate (RD) It is light & as a result very mobile. This can be used outdoors and indoors. Depending on the structure there could even be 500 pounds rear- drives.

(2) Front -Wheel Generate (FD)

This one is even smaller and its perfect for indoors. It was Invented by Allan R. Thieme in Michigan, for a family member suffering from multiple sclerosis. Also, its potential weight gets to 250 pounds!

Advantages of the disability scooter

It is not hard to realize why can this scooter be so important for the physically challenged. They are very handy for those who do not posses shoulder or arm freedom or the strength to utilize mobility device. The seat, can be moved which adds on to the benefits of this device.

Besides this, people facing weight issues, joint and lung problems can also make use of this vehicle.

Beating, the traditional wheel chair, people with physical challenges can really become independent at some level with these scooters!

Contributed by Zainab