How to deal with parents of a child with disability

From Cross the Hurdles

Disability Articles


Being a parent of a child with disability is something very complex and life changing. Nobody can generalize with their own stereotypes. Disabilities due to developmental disorders are much more complicated and require close medical study. As a friend or well wisher, show that you are willing to learn more and care about the experiences and expertise of parents. Try to know about how they are coping with their child’s disorder. Respect the parents and the physical and emotional energy they have invested into the upbringing of their son/daughter.

People raising children with special needs are individuals who need attention and care as well. They are not only just the care givers but also are individuals who have their own personalities, interests, potentials and talents. They must be recognized in totality for who they are.

One of the worst things you can say is that you feel sorry that a parent has a child with special needs. Disability is not something to be shameful about. Children are blessings and pushing the parents into negativity may do more harm than good.

They are part of who the child is, and it does not discount their ability to become an amazing human being who is able to contribute to a community. Embrace the child instead of hoping that he would become ‘normal’ as per the societal standards.

They don’t need your silence, apathy and sympathy. Do not leave these parents isolated in their struggles. To ignore the parents because they have a child that is different would mean shutting them down and not acknowledging their existence. Disorders, mishappenings or disabilities can come into anyone’s life. So we all need to celebrate the beauty and sacrifices of families that have taken up the courage to face adversities and still have a smile on their faces.

Abha Khetarpal