World Multiple Sclerosis Day 29th May

From Cross the Hurdles

Some Important Days

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a nasty disease that attacks the central nervous system. Various people with MS experience different symptoms, and even for one person symptoms may vary over time. Some common complaints are numbness, coordination and balance issues, vision problems, dizziness, hearing and memory problems and fatigue. Multiple sclerosis affects the ability of nerve cells in the brain and spinal cord to communicate with each other effectively leading to disabilities like vision loss and other organ paralysis.

The onset of multiple sclerosis is typically around young adulthood although it is also observed in paediatric population.

There is need for proper counselling for people diagnosed with the disease and that most of them slip into depression when they discover that they have multiple sclerosis.

The number of multiple sclerosis patients has increased in India in recent years. It is estimated that there are between 100,000-2,00,000 MS patients in India.

World Multiple Sclerosis Awareness Day is celebrated last Wednesday of May each year.